ASNT Level III Services

Level III Services

The American Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT) is the primary organization for the qualification of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods and procedures in the United States of America. This organization which was founded in 1941 provides for NDT qualification through its standard procedure, SNT-TC-1A. This procedure establishes education/training and service/experience requirements for most recognized methods of NDT and provides for the classification of NDT Technicians based on education and experience for each recognized method. The NDT Level III is the highest classification achievable in each method. As the highest level of achievement in NDT, the ASNT Level III is qualified to write and approve NDT procedures, train and qualify NDT Technicians in appropriate methods, and interpret results of NDT tests and inspections, particularly when there may be a conflict of interpretation by either an owner/user, an owner/user’s agent (QA Inspector) or another NDT Technician at a lower level of qualification (Level II). NDT methods that are qualified by ASNT are referenced by many of the recognized design and inspection codes that may be applicable to industrial equipment and components including those from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the American Welding Society (AWS), and the American Petroleum Institute (API). Organizations that employ NDT Technicians must have a written QC Program for NDT practices that is consistent with and meets the minimum requirements of SNT-TC-1A. These programs are generally administered by an ASNT Level III qualified in each discipline / method that is identified within the organization’s program. If an organization does not have a qualified Level III or does not have a written program, they may contract, or adopt by agreement the written program and/or the attendant Level III of another organization to provide that service. In such cases, the organization that contracted or adopted the program and Level III from another organization remains responsible for the program and is the entity that actually certifies NDT technicians whom it may employ to provide NDT services.

Reliability Inspections, LLC (RI) provides NDT services in accordance with the requirements of ASNT SNT-TC-1A. We have a written QC program that qualifies the methods and technicians we employ to perform NDT operations that are within our service offerings. These include Visual Testing / Inspection (VT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Dye Penetrant Testing (PT), Positive Material Identification and Holiday Testing. We are also qualified and certified to evaluate and interpret testing results to applicable and appropriate design and construction codes for given applications. Although RI does not offer radiographic testing services (RT), we are qualified to interpret RT testing results. RI employs a number of NDT Level II’s and III’s who are ASNT certified in the methods within our service offerings and can perform the work to code or customer specified standards. Our ASNT Level IIIs can write procedures and provide training, testing, qualification and support for owner/user in-house NDT programs. We also offer interpretation conflict resolution for questionable NDT results based on code requirements and actual conditions. We can assist in setting up NDT programs or improving existing programs to support all of your NDT needs.


Comprehensive Level I and Level II courses are offered in the following NDT methods:

  • Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
  • Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)
  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
  • Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT)
  • Visual Testing (VT)

Students will be offered the ability to develop a strong understanding of the basic theory and learn the mathematics involved in the NDT methods.

Students will be offered the ability to gain practical experience through the testing and examination of flawed plates and piping specimens. The course will conclude with a general, specific, and practical examination.